Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Thief Lord, by Cornelia Funke

Hands down, Cornelia Funke is one of the best authors I have ever read.  In fact, I've always thought of her as a modern day Charles Dickens.  Her writing is poetic, filled with imagery and beautiful language, and her stories are fun and memorable. 

The first of hers that I read, The Thief Lord, is a really cool story that takes place in Venice, Italy.  Never before have I read a book that has made me long to travel so badly!  Cornelia Funke paints the images of Venice - from riding boats on the canals, ducking into hidden alleyways, gargoyles staring down at you, and the ways that she is able to make the city architecture come to life with her words - this author is top notch with some serious skills. 

Now, the storyline to this book is quite good.  You can paint all of the pretty images and sound nice and fancy, but you've got to have a storyline that hooks the reader in and is engaging throughout to make for a good book.  Here, Cornelia Funke delivers. 

In The Thief Lord, Prosper and Bo are two orpans on the run from their aunt and uncle.  They fear that if they're caught, they'll be split up through adoption or sent to different orphanages.  So, rather than face this fate, they take matters into their own hands and run away, hiding in the shadows and nighttime of Venice, Italy. 

Who is the Thief Lord?  Well, a runaway can't always make an honest living, right?  Not all thiefs are bad, though, and just maybe the Thief Lord can help young Prosper and Bo stay out of trouble and together.

For more information about Cornelia Funke and her books, visit her website at: http://corneliafunke.com/

1 comment:

  1. Allie Ross
    Yellow Class
    June 6th, 2013

    I read The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke for my literature circle book. The genre is realistic fiction, but it is also fantasy.
    The story begins in detective Victor Getz's office in Venice. The Hartliebs come in looking for help to find their nephews, whom they have custody of. Victor is determined to help the Hartliebs and find Prosper and Bo. Little does he know that by taking on this case, he'll be getting into some trouble with a rag-tag team of orphans, a stolen wing, and a mysterious island.
    I really liked this book. I think Cornelia Funke did a great job creating and building the characters. There was a lot of detail in this book, but not an overload. I would rate this book four stars, because as much as I liked it, the ending wasnt so great.
